Bristol Blue Licensed Taxi Association

Bristol Blue Licensed Taxi Association (BBLTA) is the Bristol taxi (hackney) drivers association. Its purpose is to improve the working conditions of hackney drivers in Bristol and also to improve the general taxi trade in Bristol.

It has current membership of over 130 drivers. The Association is chaired by Patrick Masih, Mohammed Aslam as Secretary and Yoonis Jeele as treasurer.

The current fees for members is £5 a month which is payable through standing order.

There is one standard membership. You can become a member by filling BBLTA application form and setting up standing order payable to BBLTA account. Once the application form is processed and the payment is received, you become a member. You can download membership form here

Benefits of members
As an association, BBLTA seeks to discuss with Bristol City Council Licensing team, Councillors and different bodies so policies regarding taxi trade are written to improve the condition of work for drivers and the general trade. BBLTA also advises its members on issues and provide some support when members face some difficulties regarding licensing of badges and plates

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